Tuesday 6 November 2012

Change your words, change your life

Thinking and feeling positive, attracts positive situations.
Yes, with a positive mindset you can attract great things to you.
The Law of Attraction is very easy to understand, but it can be very difficult to apply, especially if you are used to negative thinking.

I have to admit that it was hard for me at the beginning when I came across the law of attraction, to be positive all the time. Especially if you are going through a hard time.
But ... most everything we accomplish each day starts out as a thought. Thoughts flash across our minds  and directly influence how we feel and what we do. Positive thinking is extremely
natural, but through our life we absorb the negative impulses and attitudes around us. Anger, stress, fear and worry are the most destructive of all emotions. 
You may not always be aware of it, but we all create and repeat affirmations constantly. The problem is, we typically don’t pay attention to what we are saying. 

As the Law of Attraction says, you will attract whatever you focus your attention and energy on and attract more of the same whether wanted or unwanted. By talking and acting in a certain way our surrounding will react accordingly and that's how you attract what it is you want in life.

Change the way you think, change the way you talk. Use only positive words Motivational Quotes .

Monday 5 November 2012

The Truth about First Impressions

First impressions are an interesting phenomenon. Just about every article or book chapter on this topic will tell you that first impressions are extremely important, so you have to ensure that you always make a great one.
Thus, they’ll encourage you to be dressed sharp, have a Positive Thinking body language and pay attention to about two dozen things when you interact with a person for the first time, in order to convey the ideal message.
But is all of this really necessary? And is it really useful?
After several years of working as a communication and confidence Life coach, my answer is a definite “No”. In the following paragraphs, I’d like to show you why and tell you the truth about first impressions. There are several key things to realize about them Inspirational Quotes .

Friday 2 November 2012

Personal Development for Smart People

 The purpose of this website is to help you grow as a conscious human being. This includes guiding you to discover and accept your life purpose; inspiring you to feel read Motivational Quotes , energized, and passionate; helping you shed disempowering relationships and build a network of loving support; teaching you how to achieve stable financial abundance doing what you love; and encouraging you to make a genuine contribution to humanity -- so you can finally experience the kind of life that deep down, you always knew you were meant to live.

You aren't here to struggle and suffer. You're here to express and share your creative gifts, to give and receive love, and to be happy. It will take time, but this site can certainly help you get there, and the vast majority of resources here are free.
This site will help you make conscious decisions in your personal development journey and courageously follow through. This means having the maturity to take 100% responsibility for your health, your career, your finances, your relationships, your emotions, your habits, and your spiritual beliefs. It requires taking a deep look at yourself, consciously deciding what kind of person you truly are on the inside, and then getting your external reality to be congruent with your inner being. The goal is to help you achieve outstanding effectiveness while maintaining internal balance, where your thoughts, feelings, actions, and skills are all working together to create the life you truly desire.

Personal development is hard work. It takes time, consistency, and patience. If you're only here looking for shallow quick fixes and you aren't interested in real, lasting change, this isn't the right place for you. This site is designed for people who are serious about personal Think and grow rich and willing to commit to it.

This site will help you learn to live more consciously, to summon the courage to face the unfaceable parts of your life, and to solve the deep problems you've not yet been able to solve. You'll learn practical ideas to make important changes in your life, both big and small, so you can get your life on track and start living up to your potential Inspirational Quotes .

This site can't teach you to be perfect. Perfection isn't the point. The point is for you to get yourself onto a path of practical, positive growth. It's very likely that this site will be of tremendous assistance to you on your journey. 

Thursday 1 November 2012

Lack of motivation

I've been sitting and staring at this computer screen for quite a while now. I want to write a post before going to work in half an hour... and yet, I do not know what to write Personal Development .

You could call it a writers block, of sorts.

Okay. Here it goes.

Pardon my ranting.

My brain feels dead. School is eating away at me. There are so many things that I want to do during this fall season, and yet I do not feel like rewarding myself with those activities when I can't even focus on what matters. Putting effort into my schooling. Keeping our apartment clean. Writing in my journal, reading scriptures, grocery shopping and laundry... I don't feel motivated to do any of it.
Self Improvement
My mind doesn't want to try.
Why not?

I need to figure out a method to get myself motivated again. That way, I'll feel like I deserve to take walks and play in leaves. To watch movies. To take a nap. To go look for the infamous $5,000 Provo Treasure Hunt prize that is hidden somewhere in the vicinity of the city (the clues for which are killing my brain even further).

Right now, I feel like I don't deserve to get a break because I don't put effort into what matters. And so, I beat myself up about it. And I can't help feeling that treating myself this way is not healthy. Letting myself relax should help my stress and motivation quotes levels, right? And yet I know that I get carried away with relaxing. And so, the stress goes on.

It's a cycle that I can't seem to break. And it's only going to make things worse.

Some thoughts on success

When  I first told my family that I wanted to work online and not a traditional 9-to-5 job, I received some funny faces and plenty of serious talks meant to bring me back down to earth. I like that my family keeps me in the realm of reality. It helps balance out some of my crazier ideas Personal development.
It’s one thing to try and convince your family that you’re doing the right thing. It’s an entirely different beast trying to get other people to take the plunge with you.
Over the summer, I’ve been talking to a few folks about expanding my projects online. Sure, many people are interested in the idea. But, when you tell them that you have no financial backing for certain projects and that the projects can fail at any time, they lose interest fast.

Motivation is key

If you’re not entirely convinced you can be successful, you won’t be.
Even if I convince people that things will work out financially in the long run, it’s tough instilling self-confidence and Motivation Quotes into everyone. The thing people most often tell me is, “I don’t really have the time.” They want success, but they don’t have time for it. Or, they want someone to hand it to them.
If you don’t think you have enough time, let me introduce you to a few people I know. How about a single mother with two kids, two jobs, and college classes to attend? I know few people with busier schedules than her.
Not having time means you don’t have motivation.
I can’t even begin to tell you how many people I’ve referred to Ian Stewart’s website .There Really Is No The Secret . If you haven’t checked out that site, it’ll tell you all you need to know to be successful in all things.

The Power of Now

The Power of Now thoughts taught me that there is no line segment.  The point is all there is.  The past and the future are illusions.  They only exist to the degree we focus our attention on them right now.  We create the past and the future by imagining them in the present.  But we don’t even exist outside the Now.
This might seem like just a semantic difference, perhaps even an erroneous one, but it was a radical new way of thinking for me, and I was eager to test it.  As I grasped the idea that nothing exists outside this present moment, I turned my overall life strategy upside down.  I understood that if I am to experience anything in life, I must create it in this moment.  It must exist in some form right now, or it doesn't exist at all.  So the idea of creating freedom and wealth in the future by constraining myself in the present was nothing but a fool’s errand.  That future would never arrive as long as I was creating self improvement and scarcity in the here and now. 

The Power of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable results.

Not everyone accepts or believes in positive thinking. Some consider the subject as just nonsense, and others scoff at people who believe and accept it. Among the people who accept it, not many know how to use it effectively to get results. Yet, it seems that many are becoming attracted to this subject, as evidenced by the many books, lectures and courses about it. This is a subject that is gaining popularity.

It is quite common to hear people say: "Think positive!", to someone who feels down and worried. Most people do not take these words seriously, as they do not know what they really mean, or do not consider them as useful and effective. How many people do you know, who stop to think what the power of positive thinking means?